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Home decor does not necessarily mean loading the house with expensive things. You just have to be creative and a bit makeshift. With the below-mentioned DIYs, your home will look as good as the ones in magazines. The journey from being at home to feeling at home is made easy with home decor products from […]
October 3, 2022
“The simple secret is making sure that every decorating decision contributes to the creation of beauty and comfort. Beauty to uplift our senses (to transcend the mundane) and comfort to make us feel taken care of (to embrace us in the mundane.)” People’s ideals, aspirations, and tastes can be revealed by the manner they furnish […]
May 5, 2020
To feel even better at home, bring in nature! Whether or not you have an exterior, get into indoor gardening. Here are some ideas for creating real gardens to transport your house into a green home. A Bucolic Entry for your Green Home As soon as the front door opens, imagine a bucolic decoration. For […]
April 24, 2020
In lack of greenery in your apartment? A small soulless balcony can transform into an island of poetic and relaxing greenery where you can have lunch, relax, and even forget the surrounding buildings. Find out how to arrange it. Balcony Decor: Strengths At A Glance 1. Large containers create lush greenery. 2. The comfortable bench […]
April 14, 2020
To live outside and take full advantage of the garden, it is enough to arrange it in the manner of a huge living room. We distribute the different functions, eating, receiving, resting, cooling off, etc., on terraces linked by a graphic path. For meals, head to the large table sheltered under a bioclimatic pergola. The […]
April 10, 2020
A tidy house gives a sense of peace and order. For some, the very act of tidying up makes you feel Zen. But if the virtues of storage are accepted by all, we can feel a little discouraged when it comes to getting started. Here are some tips for how to tidy up your home […]
April 8, 2020
Changing your consumption habits is good. Implementing this philosophy at home is better! In this spirit, we are redesigning the kitchen by opting for sustainable materials, earthenware, tiles, wood and in particular OSB, which immediately gives a natural atmosphere to the room. On the practical side, we reserve a large place for selective sorting, including […]
April 6, 2020
If you want your children to drop their tablet and screen to go play outside, the solution is to dedicate a part of the garden to them and transform it into a real adventure playground, inspired by the island of Peter Pan. In the program? For older children, a tent-shaped cabin in the center of […]
April 4, 2020
Being able to take advantage of a swimming pool to cool off when you only have a 35m2 courtyard is possible! By installing a 2 x 3.5m swimming pool and redesigning the patio space inspired by Mediterranean courses, you can relax while traveling! From floor to wall, the monochrome decor creates a chic and authentic […]
April 1, 2020
To create a comfortable and bright Natural Parental Suite or master bedroom, we forget the partitions! Bedroom and bathroom are installed in a totally open space, punctuated by a difference in level. On the platform side, the sleeping area, with an original headboard which gives character to the room while masking the dressing room behind. […]