6 Tips To Get Warm At Home With Enki
Being warm at home in winter is an essential criterion for feeling good at home. But how can you get warm without burning your bills or spending your time adjusting the radiators in each room? The solution is Enki, the box that connects all your radiators and allows you to program your heating to the nearest degree in each room and at the time that suits you. Find out how the Enki box can change your life in winter.
Enki, The Solution Whatever Your Type Of Heating
Enki is the box created by Leroy Merlin to connect all of your connected objects together and centrally. With 120 compatible products from more than 20 different brands, you can control all your objects in the same place from your smartphone or tablet. And for your heating, Enki is the best way to centralize everything.
If you already have central heating, you can connect your boiler with Enki and ask it to respect your lifestyle. If you do not have central heating, the different connected radiators can also heat each room according to your habits, at the said temperature and at the appointed time.
In short, whether you are a tenant with toaster radiators that consume a lot or an owner with centralized and efficient heating installation, the Enki box ensures optimal operation of your heating.
The goal: be warm when you need it and save!
Get Warm When You’re There Thanks To Enki
With Enki, it is easy to decide on a comfortable temperature in each room, at times when you are there.
For example, to get warm in the bathroom in the morning if you leave at 8:30 am, you can launch the towel dryer to reach the temperature of 22 ° C at 7:30 am, sharp when you get out of the shower.
Similarly, for the living room, if you come home at 8 p.m., you can heat up a little before with your home automation system to enjoy the evening and watch TV while warm.
And in the bedroom? If you are only there to sleep, no need to heat up for too long. But if you stay in bed late at the weekend, it is possible to modify the home automation programming to gain a few degrees and enjoy a real moment of comfort. One example among many of the joys of the connected home.
Save On Heating Costs When You’re Not Around
When you reduce the temperature by 1 ° C, you save 7% on your bills! We thus understand how fine management of temperatures thanks to your Enki home automation box allows you to make great savings without impacting your comfort.
The ideal temperature in the room is 17 ° C, that of the entrance, the kitchen and the WC is 19 ° C. And for the bathroom, it’s 22 ° C when you’re there, but 17 ° C is good enough when you’re not using it.
It’s up to you to play from your smartphone or tablet to best program your heating room by room. You will thus avoid unnecessary expenses and you will preserve your comfort when you are at home.
Create Scenarios Adapted To Your Habits With Enki
Between the bachelor who works a lot outside his home, the couple who is only there on weekends, the family whose children come home every evening at 4 p.m. with the babysitter, the habits are different and the heating needs also.
With Enki, you can create your precise life scenarios, according to your habits, for maximum comfort.
For example, in the case of a family, on Monday morning, at 9 a.m., the heating is reduced as soon as everyone leaves the house but turns on again around 4 p.m., while the shutters are automatically lowered when it is dark for preserve the heat in the rooms. Around 6 p.m., the heated towel rail heats up for the children’s bath at 6 p.m. and stops at 7 p.m.
Do you work at home? Your office deserves a few extra degrees during your working hours and Enki provides them effortlessly. You only have to program it once to save everything.
The weekend, your habits are different? Create a “weekend” scenario that starts automatically on Saturday, with for example a bathroom heater rather around 11 am if you are a late riser, continuous heating in the living room and no heating in the office.
You understood, with the Enki box, your home becomes intelligent and your heating adapts to your habits to guarantee you optimal comfort and no unnecessary expense.
Manage Unexpected Events With Complete Freedom
Programming is good, but in life, everything does not always go as planned. With Enki, you can change your settings in real-time from your smartphone.
No need to navigate from room to room to adjust the radiators, or even to be at home. Your teens are not going to school and come home earlier? You adjust the heating of their room from your workplace.
Are you returning later than planned from your weekend at sea? Postpone the ignition of the radiators during the return journey from your car.
You change your mind and tonight, you are not going to eat with friends at the restaurant but you are going to come home early? From the app, you raise the temperature to be warm the moment you slide the key in the door.
Be Warm While Controlling Your Budget
Enki, you get it, keeps you warm all the time you need it, but only when you need it.
Thus, thanks to this fine temperature control, the essentials of which are programmed once and for all, you save without compromising on your comfort.
Better still, with your home automation installation, you measure the impact on your invoices for each decision since the monitoring of your consumption is of perfect precision.
Over the weekend, week, month or year, you can see what each connected device consumes, all from your smartphone or tablet. Enki magic!
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